Friday, January 30, 2009

Thanks Davos

Ragab Tayeb Argogan

The Turkish prime minister is the only politician leader in the middle east that express the truth emotion about Gaza. I really can not write due to the huge busy mind about the killed childrens by the israeli killer soldiers. Often my writing will be a stream of angry words and not polite and this what i do not want to do. But in case of Mr. Ardogan the situation is different. His word are listened clearly to the world when he was setting benear the killer Mr. Peres. That man, Peres, forced Mr. Ardogan to reply to the unequlaity in Peres words. Peres said that any one killed outside the walls of nazism Holokost is valuless and should be never minded!!

Damn on you, Mr.Peres.

Thanks, Mr. Ardogan

And last think to Davos.